Director of Estates and Commercial Services
28th January 2025
Closing Date
25th February 2025
Commensurate with scale of role
Lancaster or Carlisle
Interviews Scheduled
26th March 2025

We are the University of Cumbria, for and from Cumbria and our localities, rooted in and serving our communities and reflecting the unique environment of the Lake District. We are a university for our region with people, place and partnership at our heart. We are also a young university that is growing and evolving
Diversification of our academic portfolio and activities, an expanding apprenticeship offer, bold campus developments, and strategic partnership working are driving this growth, informed by both regional and national sector skills needs. Our University Strategy: Towards 2030, articulates our ambition to deliver inspirational, inclusive and accessible higher education to students and communities for generations to come, and from a robust financial position we look forward to the future with excitement and confidence.
With a new campus opening in Barrow in September 2025 and work underway on our new Citadels campus in Carlisle, our Director of Estates and Commercial Services will help us deliver our strategic ambitions across our multiple sites by ensuring the effective and efficient planning, creation and operation of the university’s Estate. As a member of the University Leadership team you will provide strategic direction across all aspects of the Directorate by developing a vision for future estate options, championing the development of an integrated approach to environmental sustainability, and enabling the development of commercial services.
As a member of a relevant professional body and an inspirational leader, you will demonstrate a successful track record in the areas relevant to the responsibilities of the role, with expertise in capital project development and delivery, and experience of delivering transformational change. You will demonstrate experience of effective leadership in a complex, multi-location environment and of effectively managing and motivating diverse teams to realise their potential.
Key to your success will be your commitment to partnership working, your natural style as a relationship builder and your abilities to think and operate strategically, deploy initiative, and deliver creative solutions.
This is a very exciting time to be joining the University of Cumbria. For an informal discussion about this opportunity, please contact Emma Wilkins at Dixon Walter on E:
Applications should be made via email to and must include on separate documents:
- a letter of application setting out your interest in the role and details of how you match the person specification
- a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV)
- details of three referees and notice period (referees will not be contacted without your permission)
- a completed Personal Details Form (available above)
Closing date for applications is 5pm, Tuesday, 25 February
Final interviews will take place on Wednesday, 26 March on Campus (likely Carlisle). Shortlisted candidates will also be invited to meet with university colleagues (via MS Teams) on Monday, 17 and/or Wednesday, 19 March.
In making an application for this role we ask you also to view our Privacy Notice which outlines our compliance to General Data Protection Regulations and the use and storage of your data. Personal Data is held and processed on the lawful basis that such action is in the Legitimate Interest of the company in pursuing the purposes described and has been considered through the use of a Legitimate Interest Assessment utilising the Balance Test to not be outweighed by risks to the rights, freedoms and interests of the Data Subject.
Please note that our client is legally obliged to confirm that the appointee is eligible to work in the UK. As of 1 January 2021, government restrictions have changed. For further information visit the Home Office website at
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